Real Estate, Registry and Construction Law

Icono de contratación, dictamentes y arbitrajes

Area in close connection with everything related to the construction sector – contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate and others to be entered into with purchasers of properties, as well as all the incidents arising in the relationship between builder and/or developer and purchaser, and on the advice regarding the registration of properties, rights and contracts, as well as the various incidents that arise in this regard with the Property Registries -including the filing and follow-up of governmental appeals before the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries-.

Among others, we also advise on declarations of new construction, real estate transactions, construction and building contracts, exchanges in exchange for construction, constitution of horizontal property and multi-property and its bylaws and rules, grouping and segregation of properties, exploitation and constitution of urbanizations, communities of owners and all matters related to real estate law, property law and real estate property and its registration procedures, in general.

Especially in this legal area we advise on the constitution, modification, extinction and/or judicial execution of real rights -servitudes, usufructs, resolutory conditions, purchase options, registration of leases,… -; above all, mortgage rights in rem and everything related thereto, including advice and follow-up in the resolution of all kinds of incidents arising therefrom – resolution of lack of registration of these or certain stipulations thereof, foreclosures on behalf of creditors or oppositions thereto on behalf of debtors, search for solutions to realization and auctions of mortgaged assets, abusive clauses contained therein, … -.

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