We also prepare legal opinions for legal professionals, consisting in the formulation of a legal opinion, duly based on doctrine and/or jurisprudence of application, in relation to issues arising in the development of professional activity, after conducting a thorough analysis of the facts and carrying out a thorough and exhaustive research work, preparing an opinion based on law, which allows the professional who performs the order to support the legal position that best helps the interests of his client.
We can also collaborate with other legal professionals in support and monitoring of processes that require it in their forensic activity, either because it is a specialty in which this office has a proven experience of years – case of legal issues raised in the commercial or banking areas – or because they require support at a specific time through collaboration in the drafting of lawsuits, replies, appeals or cassation, reports, … In this case, it would not be a question of simply providing an opinion but of collaborating in its own professional activity, facilitating its realization or supplying it if it is what is needed.
As these are services that may be invoiced or budgeted by the professional who can make the order to his client, the fees will be calculated by applying a percentage to the budget, invoice or similar communicated relative to the entrusted matter, percentage that will vary depending on the complexity of the work to be done or the amount of the matter. In any case, a minimum will be established for the support and follow-up of processes, since the request for services in these cases presupposes an initial presumption of complexity in the matter that is the object of the assignment.